We supply you with ammunition for your pistol, rifle or shotgun. Not sure what you need? Ask us and we’ll advise you based on your preference for sport, self-defense or performance.

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

We’re always adding to our product line and we don’t always have the time to update our website so contact us here or give us a call at (671) 898-8914 to inquire about our full stock of products.


“Deb and Phil at First Shots are awesome. Very friendly and always willing to answer any questions you might have. I definitely recommend them. Looking forward to taking more classes with them.”

Rick Mendiola

Rick Mendiola

Thank you First Shot! Your basic pistol class is very informative and I appreciate all the local information. I feel even more confident around guns.


Trisha Danielle Unten

Trisha Danielle Unten